This page is designed to give you an overview of your Health Score and recommendations based on the Health Evaluation you just completed. You will receive a more detailed report via email. I look forward to reviewing these recommendations with you and helping you design an ideal personalized health plan.

Name :
Height :
Weight : 0 (lbs)

Your Health Score Is :

90-100 Optimal Health
80-89 Minimal Nutrient Deficiencies
70-79 Moderate Nutrient Deficiencies
60-69 Significant Nutrient Deficiencies
Below 60 Severe Nutrient Deficiencies

To raise your Health Score, we will focus on the problems in these 4 areas...

1. Hard Tissue :
2. Soft Tissue:
3. Blood Sugar :
4. Digestion :

By lowering these 4 category numbers to zero, you can achieve a perfect Health Score of 100. My goal is to help you accomplish that.

Your Customized Recommendations

Plan A… The Optimal Plan

Choose one of the Healthy Body Packs below to ensure that you are getting the correct amounts of all the 90 Essential Nutrients required by your body on a
daily basis.

Add-On Products

Below are a number of add-on products Dr. Wallach highly recommends for you based on your Health Evaluation Score. The products are scored on a scale from 1 to 100 based on your need for that product.

Other Suggested Products

Based on your health goals, Dr. Wallach also recommends the following products for your personal health plan.

Plan B… The Basic Core 90 Plan

Just choose one of the Healthy Body Packs listed above to ensure that you are getting the correct amounts of all the 90 Essential Nutrients required by your body on a daily basis.

Plan C… The Minimal Plan

At the bare minimum Dr. Wallach recommends increasing your mineral intake. Minerals make up 60 of the 90 Essential Nutrients required by your body daily.

Based on your Health Score you have a mineral deficiency. Our Plant Derived Minerals have a 98% absorption rate and come in 3 flavors.


"You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." - Dr. Linus Pauling, 2 Time Nobel Prize Winner

Additional Information